Our Partners

Since 2019, RESALLIENCE has developed partnerships with institutional players, think-tanks, NGOs, global alliances and standardization and certification organizations. All key actors of resilience.
Our institutional partner
RESALLIENCE is a member of international coalitions that include key resilience and climate change adaptation stakeholders
Our think tank and prospective partners
RESALLIENCE collaborates on projects with think tanks and prospective partners.
Our (inter)nationall Global Alliance and NGOs partners
RESALLIENCE is member / co-chair of boards of international global alliance dedicated to adaptation, and partner with international NGOs
Our certifications
Concerned about the quality we offer our customers, our triple certification ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018 and ISO14001: 2015 ensures compliance with the requirements of the standards to meet the challenges of the missions entrusted to us in terms of mission preparation, safety of interventions, compliant hardware and software, and internal controls.
Further, we participates in creating standards frameworks related to resilience.
You have a project? Let's talk about it!
Do you need help in understanding the impacts of climate change on your project? Would you like to find solutions to increase the resilience of your area or assets to climate change? Do you want to make climate-informed investments?
Feel free to tell us more your needs. Our experts will know how to help and advice you in the course of your project.