Financers and insurances

As an insurance or a bank, you are particularly exposed to the consequences of global warming. Indeed, insurance costs to cover the climate-related expenditures and damages are continuously rising. As a result, some territories or projects have become uninsurable and difficult to fund.

Assets or liabilities, it is your entire balance sheet that is impacted.
Do not worry, there are some solutions to limit the impairment of your assets and investments:
- Invest in a more sustainable way,
- Limit the climate risks of portfolios,
- Redefine insurability and new coverages of your contracts.
However, you need to be able to quantify the climate-related risks and the ROI of these adaptation solutions…
Our solutions for insurances and finance professionals
It is crucial to remember that the capacity and the implementation of technical solutions are non-existing without funding. We include in all aspects of our support a prospective and predictive dimension of climate change.
Care for an example?
Let us take a building, or even a whole property portfolio. Regardless of the geographic location, we can assess its vulnerability to every hazard, according to the different climate models, during the course of several decades. We then develop adaptation solutions (including Nature-based Solutions), estimate the future economic cost benefits of the acttions vs. inaction.
That is how we obtain the ROI of your investment, its risk level, and the recommended adaptation solutions.
We aim to find solutions that allow you to limit the impairment of your assets and investment models, thanks to a systemic approach of the climatic impacts.
Using our expertise, we can:
- Detail the overall cost of preventing climate hazards,
- Assess the average cost of a damage and its probability,
- Assess the physical risk and the damages impacting your assets,
- Determine the technical and financial impact and the extra-financial effect on your assets,
- Model the spatial and temporal evolution of climatic hazards,
- Determine the frequency and the magnitude of climate events.
By designing your project of adaption to climate change, we aim to transform the risk factor into added value.

Visible and measurable advantages
The support of our experts in your transition and adaptation approach also means:
- Identifying investment opportunities,
- Diversifying your assets with sustainable and resilient solutions,
- Defining more easily the pricing of your services and provisions,
- Assessing the risks of financial market and your potential loss,
- Modeling the impacts of climate change on your assets,
- Understanding the overall risks and their consequences for your projects.
In short, our tools and knowledge transform the impact of climate change into a risk management tool and an opportunity source for your development.
You have a project? Let's talk about it!
Do you need help in understanding the impacts of climate change on your project? Would you like to find solutions to increase the resilience of your area or assets to climate change? Do you want to make climate-informed investments?
Feel free to tell us more your needs. Our experts will know how to help and advice you in the course of your project.